Whether you’re a seasoned Notion user or just stepping into the realm of productivity tools, these free aesthetic Notion templates offer a seamless blend of form and function. Each template is designed to breakdown your weekly or daily tasks and appointments with some featuring special productivity tools like a Pomodoro timer or morning and evening routine planner. Though they differ slightly by style, each one is entirely customizable so that you can adjust the template to your needs. Let’s delve into how to download and use an agenda template with your Notion setup, and look at five distinct template options for getting started!
How I Use My Free Aesthetic Agenda Notion Templates
I come from a paper planner background, so of course one of the first ways I got into Notion was by utilizing it as a way to store and organize my weekly or daily agendas. However, to truly maximize Notion’s capabilities within an agenda structure, I discovered two key approaches:
1. Storing Agendas in a Database

The first being to keep your agendas organized by storing them within a database. I typically go for the gallery database for my agendas, but you could also use a list or table database depending on what you find to look best. Keeping your agendas stored in a master database is not only helpful for filtering out old agendas, but is a great way to create and store recurring templates. Having pre-made agenda templates is useful if you’re someone that likes to utilize specific layouts, or if you have recurring weekly tasks/appointments.
To create your own agenda template within a database, click on the down arrow on the “New” button, then click “New Template.” Now you can design your own agenda layout that will be saved as a template to use week-to-week. To find that saved template, just click the down arrow again and you’ll see it listed under templates. If you ever need to make adjustments to the template, click the three dots and click “edit.” You can also set the template as a default every time you add a new page or have it automatically create a new template every day, week, month, or year.
If you want to add a template designed by someone else to your database, first duplicate that template. Then follow the steps above as if you’re creating your own template. Make sure it’s opened as a full page. Then find that duplicated template you just added to your workspace on the side bar and drag it onto the page. It should appear as a simple page link. When you hover over the link, you’ll see three dots appear to the right. Click those and then head to “turn into.” Select “text,” and then the entire template page should reveal itself. Now you have this duplicated template saved as a template option in your agenda’s database!
2. Keeping Ongoing Tasks Outside of Agendas

The second way I like to use agendas with Notion is by keeping my ongoing projects and tasks in a separate database. When it comes to recurring tasks that I have to complete each week like, “go grocery shopping,” I’ll usually just include that in my template creation so that anytime I generate a new template that task is automatically created. But when we’re working with tasks that aren’t necessarily recurring but may be taking place over the course of several weeks, like tasks associated with a larger project, I like to make sure I am storing those tasks on a separate database page so that any status changes are not affected by a new agenda template. I can still view and keep track of these tasks through my agenda by adding a linked view of that project database to my agenda.
These dual approaches showcase the versatility of Notion in agenda management, catering to both recurring and non-recurring tasks within a seamless and organized digital workspace.
Free Aesthetic Notion Templates
Now that we’ve gone over how I use an agenda format in Notion, let’s go over some of my own free aesthetic notion templates that you can duplicate and add to your own Notion workspace!
1. Taurus Daily Agenda Template

This template is designed to breakdown your daily schedule by the half hour, and features a space to track project tasks, your daily focus, and notes. It also has a database to organize your morning and night routine. Get the template here.
2. Scorpio Weekly Agenda Template

This weekly agenda template features a database for creating a time blocking schedule as well as a daily breakdown of your week, and a weekly review section. Get the template here.
3. Aquarius Daily Agenda Template

This is a minimalist daily agenda template that breaks down your tasks into four main areas: daily habits, today’s focus, personal tasks, and work tasks. Get the template here.
4. Aries Weekly Agenda Template

This weekly agenda template features a space to list your three top priorities, brain dump, and meal plan for the week. The daily agendas are organized by drop down list so that you can focus on your tasks for the day. Get the template here.
5. Leo Weekly Agenda Template

The weekly agenda template is organized by three main areas: an at-a-glance view of your week with a spot for reference links and a weather widget, your weekly agenda with a breakdown of project tasks, and your monthly view at the bottom. Get the template here.
If you end up using any of these templates in your own Notion workspace, tag me on Instagram! I love to see how people utilize my templates!
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